Leaving Twitter
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After 15 years on Twitter [I still can’t think of it as X] I decided to leave the site. I will no longer post illustrations, news, or tutorials there. The main reason is the strong and frightening push towards more generative AI and the use of the users’ content to teach it. The increasing racism, misinformation, hate, and intolerance, the insane numbers of bots promoting a narrative that I don’t agree with, and an owner’s questionable agenda and ambitions make it even easier to leave.

Not surprisingly, it’s not that easy to purge a profile and remove years of tweets. There are services available to automate the process [for a fee] but I am unwilling to use them nor will I delete each post manually.
[If you know of a way to clean a profile, I would appreciate a comment to let me know how. Thanks!]

Fond memories will remain. I have great conversations and banters with good friends half a world away [which is not that hard when you are in Australia – everything is far away ;)]. I saw the works of great artists and illustrators showcasing what human creativity is capable of and enjoy the time scrolling through my feed.

Now, I created accounts on Bluesky, Cara, and Mastodon. Let’s see how that works out… in 2025 [as I am still taking a ‘break’ from social media ;) ]

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