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Here are the latest news posts / non-tutorial posts

Leaving Twitter/ X
After 15 years on Twitter [I still can't think of it as X] I decided to leave the site. I will no longer post illustrations, news, or tutorials there. The main reason is the strong and frightening push towards more generative AI and the use of the users' [...]
Helpful Hints – Updated for Affinity Designer and Inkscape
It's been a while and the reasons for the extended radio silence are the same as in the past. My ongoing health issues leave me with too much chronic pain and not enough energy to get it under control. Sadly, there is no medication to help deal with [...]
Inkscape – About Screen v1.4 – Voting is now open
Inkscape v1.4 About Screen Contest Voting is now open It's that time of the year again and a new version of Inkscape is right around the corner. Inkscape v1.4 is currently being finalized and should be available soon. As usual, there is a competition among Inkscape artists to design [...]
Inkscape – Illustration – ‘funny dog chasing the ball’
Funny Dog - Illustration in Inkscape It's been a while and I finally have my office back and a working computer again. We had a bit of a turbulent time here in the North of Queensland with a cyclone [that missed Cairns] and a flood [that didn't miss and [...]
Inkscape – Illustration – ‘Creative Growth’ 20 years of Inkscape
Creative Growth - Illustration in Inkscape It's Inkscape's 20th anniversary and they are running a monthly competition. I couldn't resist the temptation and had to give it a try. It's another illustration I did purely for fun [and maybe a little bit to see if I can still make [...]
Affinity Designer – Illustration – ‘Tower of the Pumpkin’
Tower of the Pumpkin - Illustration in Affinity Designer This was my entry for the banner competition on towers and turrets of the Affinity Designer - hands-on Facebook group. As I am an administrator in the group and judge the entries, it didn't run in the competition - but [...]
AI-generated Art – Adobe MAX 2023
Adobe MAX 2023 - AI-generated Art My apologies in advance but after looking at some of the announcements at Adobe Max it's time for another rant... It was only a matter of time before Adobe would integrate generative AI into Illustrator. At the current Adobe Max event they [...]
Free PDF – (somewhat) Helpful Hints for Affinity Designer – updated to v2
The 'somewhat Helpful Hints' for Affinity Designer have been updated to v2 It's been over a year since the release of the initial PDF collection of step-by-step tutorials [and a lot have piled up on my hard drive since]. I finally uploaded the updated "(Somewhat) Helpful Hints" [...]
Inkscape – About Screen v1.3 – 20 years of Inkscape – Voting is now open
Inkscape v1.3 About Screen Contest Voting is now open The new version of Inkscape is right around the corner. As well as celebrating 20 years of Inkscape the v1.3 is offering some awesome additions [including a shape builder tool], more bugfixes, and better performance. As usual, there is a [...]