The ‘somewhat Helpful Hints’ for Affinity Designer have been updated to v2
It’s been over a year since the release of the initial PDF collection of step-by-step tutorials [and a lot have piled up on my hard drive since]. I finally uploaded the updated “(Somewhat) Helpful Hints” v2 to gumroad: https://2dgameartguru.gumroad.com/l/dpzcv
It’s NOT a beginners guide or workbook [but I am working on one at the moment]. The skill level of these hints varies from beginner to intermediate. It helps to have an understanding of the program and its tools.
This is a collection of step-by-step tutorials [over 450 tutorials at the moment]. I created these to help visualize answers to questions on social media. I hope they are still helpful without the context of the question. Let me know what you think. I will try and keep this PDF updated and added to as I create more step-by-step tutorials or turn some of them into a proper blog or youtube video tutorials. Enjoy!
Oh… I forgot to mention – it’s free!
You can just put a 0 [zero] in the amount field and press the ‘I want this’ button and it should be ready for download. Let me know if you have any problems. I did however add a ‘buy me a coffee’ and a ‘paypal donate’ button as well if you feel generous and think the work put into this deserves ‘a coffee’ ;)

A lot of these have been created for the ‘Affinity Designer – hands-on‘ group on Facebook. It’s a safe little group to show art, ask questions, and just marvel at some of the creations done in Affinity Designer. It’s also a quick way to get in touch with me. :) Post a question there and I will most likely see it within a day… and will try to reply to it as soon as possible.
Come in and check it out! Please answer the question when joining, as we are trying hard to keep bots and spammers out! Thanks!