Oculus VR Jam
Going virtual…
One of the reasons I have been a tad busy lately was the Oculus VR Jam.

Along with a team of talented 3D artists from qube, a great coder and more than my fair share of coffee I worked on an entry for this competition. It’s a 3D compact hidden object/ puzzle game about finding the building blocks for a rocket ship in a messy kid’s room.
I am quite happy with the way it turned out seeing it was a rushed job. What are deadlines for if not to leave them to the last minute? We submitted with 30 minutes to spare… ;)
Even though it didn’t make it to the finalists – but there is still the public voting…. sooooo… I am asking for a small favour here.
If you got a moment, maybe you could vote for the entry ‘Rocket Builders’:
Making textures for 3D models like the ones used in ‘Rocket Builder’ can be nicely achieved in Inkscape as well and I have put a tutorial on it on my to-do list… after… Well, a lot of others are still on that list.
Congratulations on your submission! (Voted!) I don't know what the other submissions are but your game looks very nice (and relaxing). I really like the graphics style. :) Looking forward to your next post!
Very nice entry, I like the graphic style a lot!
I vote +1 for a tutorial about making textures for 3D models like the ones used in 'Rocket Builder' in Inkscape ;)
Voted. Thanks for all the great tutorials.