It’s been a while…
and I put it off for way too long…
but eventually, there was no way around it. The 2dgameartguru.com website/ blog had become a proper mess. Consequently, it stopped me from posting – among other things. There was no easy way to fix it in blogger.com and I made the switch to WordPress last August. It took a while to find enough time and motivation to learn it. The approach is similar yet different – but with a lot more possibilities. I finally worked out how to format the tutorials in ways that will make it easier to read them on mobile devices. I at least I hope so.
Pushing myself to become active again
Daily routines and unforeseen events put the project on the backburner again. It took months before I finally revisited the WordPress tests. I had not posted anything new for a long time. It was supposed to go into the “shiny, brand new” design. The unfinished new design leads to no new tutorials and eventually made me cranky. I was stopping myself from having some fun with the blog.
Eventually, I made the switch. Unfinished, rough and lacking a lot of the features I was hoping to include – for now. The blog is out there in its new look and there is no excuse anymore.
Going back and reworking the blog
At the moment I am still going through the old tutorials. I am reworking the newest and most important ones. Exporting the images again, adding information and fixing a lot of spelling mistakes. :( There is a lot of optimization needed and it is time-consuming. It’s not much fun for a creative person like me either. Nevertheless, I plan to work my way through it and start posting new content as soon as possible. Bare with me and I hope I can reward your patience with new tutorials on Inkscape, Affinity Designer, Adobe Illustrator and CorelDraw as well as integrating some of the translations into Spanish, French and German.
Oh, I know that one. There’s the setup for a new blog waiting for me, not to mention to get myself to sit down and write something.
Well done on this, though.
Done is better than perfect my friend. Glad you got this going again.
Welcome back
Loving the new look, clean and easy to read.
Thanks, Craig… After the mess prior, I am trying to keep it simpler, group related tutorial and add enough cross-links to make it easier for the readers to find the ‘next’ tutorial.
Thank for coming back, I have a lot to learn and your tutorials have helped tremendously.
Great you are back !
As a fellow blogger i can totally relate to everything you said.
Why am I getting this today in the RSS if it was posted on feb. 20th? Strange.
That’s odd… I have no idea where to look for a reason though ;)