Happy New Year!
I am wishing you all a peaceful, healthy, and successful 2021! All the best!
It’s a little delayed… and the post is way overdue… but I have been traveling, visiting my girlfriend in Brisbane, spending a relaxing time down in the not quite as hot and humid parts of the state, enjoying a peaceful Christmas, and finally making it back up to the tropical North to celebrate the New Year with friends. A week of doing ‘touristy things’ followed… I tend to forget how beautiful it is up here, well… as in not going out and seeing it.
Things are going back to a ‘normal routine’ which at the moment seems to include the ‘normal’ fight with health issues. The last year has been a challenge for all of us and I didn’t really need more on my plate. It seems that my neural muscular disease is progressing a little quicker than I would like and the ‘side effects’ become more visible. It started with issues with my left wrist, nothing major [I thought], but when the doc ordered an MRI, it turned into three pages of issues. I did expect it to be just an inflammation to be cured with a shot… now I am looking at ‘grossly deformed’ and pretty much every joint being out of whack. 40+ years of uneven muscle tension and lack of balance of powers, or the lack of muscular strength have worn the joints, and little things become a lot more difficult. It’s not what I want as an artist…
but hey… It’s just something to adjust to… and it won’t stop me from having fun with art [and tutorials]. There are a few waiting to be finished – most likely not as video but as step-by-step tutorials… but I will try to mix it up a little and be a bit more productive than last year. Enough of me whining… I am still around and hope to write a lot more this year.
To all of you reading my blog, looking for tutorials on game art, Inkscape, or Affinity Designer, THANKS for another good year, and all the best for the New Year!