It’s been a while and I have quite a backlog of videos and tutorial material for Affinity Designer and Inkscape by now. I enjoy the creation process, finding solutions, and then recording a video or creating a quick tutorial strip. Sadly, I tend to neglect the website or my social media posts over it. There are simply too many interesting projects to cover… but I will try and catch up.
This video is a sequel to the last post on patterns along lines in Inkscape, making it the ideal candidate to start working through the list of unpublished material.
Creating Brushes for Patterns along Lines in Inkscape
Inkscape Video tutorial
Following up on the last tutorial video, here’s the ‘Creating Brushes for Patterns along Lines in Inkscape’ part that I couldn’t cover in depth in the last video. This time I am going to show you how to create the brush patterns and use them to add details to a quick illustration. The initial set of 20 brush patterns is available for FREE on my gumroad page. You can use it for your personal and commercial projects.
Main tools

A few examples of Brushes using Lines and Patterns [done in Affinity Designer]
[These brush effects can be easily created in Inkscape as well. The brush patterns can have tapered lines done with the power strokes path effect or tapered strokes. The only limitation would be the lack of combing the Pattern along Path with the Power Strokes to taper a pattern. Maybe that’s something for the Inkscape developers to think about. ;) ]

As usual, I hope you enjoyed the tutorial. I quite like the workflow in Inkscape and will continue to explore it. If you like the video, please subscribe to my channel, add a like to the video, and leave a comment. Your feedback, comments, and requests are very much appreciated.
For more information on creating patterns to work with the ‘pattern along path’ effect, you might want to check out these two tutorials I wrote earlier ‘Pattern creation along a path in Inkscape – part 1‘ and ‘Creating patterns along a path in Inkscape – part 2‘.