Mini Video Tutorials on Consisten Gradients in Affinity Designer and Inkscape
Mini Video Tutorials – Affinity Designer and Inkscape
I did record these two ‘mini videos’ on consistent gradients across shapes and lines for Affinity Designer and Inkscape as part of the ‘Weekly Beginner Challenges’ in my Facebook group ‘Affinity Designer – hands-on’.
There are a few mini tutorial I posted earlier and I still am not quite sure how to organize them in the blog . It might be easiest to refer to my youtube channel ;) .
I am still on a wild roller coaster ride as far as my health goes. The chronic pain levels have become utterly random. I can’t seem to find a pattern and have to take it a day at a time. Hopefully, more stable times are on the horizon as the weather in my tropical paradise is turning into bliss ;)

This mini video tutorial is about gradients across fills and strokes. Affinity Designer has two settings for the fill tool. The context is either fill or stroke. It gets a little tricky when you want a consistent fill across both [filled shapes and strokes].
This video shows you how to use swatches to store the gradient information and apply it from fill to strokes as well as using ‘helper shapes’ to align the gradients to match.

This mini video tutorial is about gradients across fills and strokes in Inkscape v1.3. It gets a little tricky when you want a consistent fill across multiple objects [shapes and strokes].
In this video, I show you how to align multicoloured gradients to fills and strokes by using ‘helper shapes’. The gradients match up seamlessly and are quick and easy to edit. The subject is an octopus.

I hope you enjoy these ‘little videos’. Let me know in the comments what you think of the shorter formats and post questions you might have! As always, your feedback is very important to me!