I posted the last three practical posts on the complete game art tutorial and there have been ZERO, NIL, NULL, KEINE, NO replies. This should probably scare me.
- Either my tutorials are getting better and people can follow without any problems and questions
- or people are just reading and putting it away as nice but too hard and way to complicated to follow and try themselves
- or I am just boring my reader so much they fall asleep before they can hit the reply button
- or people are just not reading them at all – looking at the nice colourful images before clicking on the next website suggested by twitter, feedly, etc.
… but it won’t…. :)
I will continue on… even if it’s just for my own amusement and to hand something to the coders that are currently taking this concept to Gamesalad, libGDX. Ox, Godot and monkeyX. I hope to have some links to their tutorials for you soon.
I am still looking for a Unity, Corona and Flash coder to cover more of the popular engines. Stencil, Construct2 or other coders are more than welcome to join. ;)
Just as pushed the publish button a reply to the last post came in… Thank you! I am obviously not just doing this for me, myself and I. :)
I always read through all of your tutorials, granted, I am not a big fan of commenting in blogs unless I have doubts. Actually, thanks to you I was able to create decent looking art for my own game to be able to release it to the play store :)
There may be a lot of people who is busy trying to adapt your posts to their own projects, or maybe they just read through them becase making characters is a kind of popular theme in your blog and are waiting for the rest? Dunno
I do still enjoy all of your posts, please do continue! :)
I'm signed to the RSS so each-and-every post you make, I'm reading it, with satisfaction. I'm also in the go to make game characters and I do take inspiration from your tutorials (many many thanks) but usually I'm not commenting at all.
If what let you to write more material is a lot of comments, I will do them from now on, just only to let you know how much I appreciate what you do!
I fear I also come from the not commenting group. But I go over your tutorials over and over again. They have helped me a great deal with developing my own artistic abilities. I wish I had a project to show you but I'm a lazy programmer,lol
Hey we are here! Don't worry. I'm not following this particular tutorial but I am following every post.
Personally, I'm collecting all of them to draw this weekend, so I don't read them depthly.
But reading so little, I learned nice concepts like double square to keep ratios in the sprites, and the way you do the shadows (delete the lowest node and retrace the result). I was asking to myself how do you do the shadows for 2 years xDD
So please, keep working. If you want that we comment every post, we will do it :P
Your tutorials are brilliant! I wish you could churn them out more often. Keep up the awesome work! :)
Thanks guys! I get the message… I wasn't thinking of stopping as I am having way too much fun but I was just a little puzzled about the absolute lack of replies ;)
Your tutorials are awesome keep them up! I'm just not the sort who normally comments and I guess many of your readers are the same.
As some other people, I usually don't comment if I have nothing to ask or nothing constructive to add, but your blog has been in my feeds for a long time and your posts are great and instructive, thanks for sharing!
I read with enthusiasm each your new post via RSS. Don't stop writing them..
Hey Chris, don't worry. I ma sure you analytics running on your site so you should know that your blog is very popular. Keep up the great work, it is always exciting to read a new tutorial from you.
Love your tutorials. Learning inkscape since a few weeks, always checking back here :)
What I made after your tutorials so far, from my latest to the first time I found your tutorials. Just so you know, even the older ones are great and still very much appreciated. – Can't wait to follow the new game tutorial. (Just busy with work…)
https://streak.club/submission/555 (the rocks – first time I found your tutorial)
Chris: Your tutorials are simply great! Thank you very much! I simply did not have the time to try the new stuff.
personally as on other inkscape tutorials it would help if there was the rgb values to help get the colors right ,this would help me alot to get the cartoony feel being a beginner.
I really enjoy your tutorials! I don't often comment because I'm just getting into game development and most of the time I read them and then file 'em away for later when I might need it as a resource. I have your page on my RSS feed and it's great getting some new tidbits every few days :)
Your tutorials are great. This site is one of my favourites.
In my case, I am waiting for more articles to decide if I should try this tutorial. Right now, I am looking for a more serious type of drawing.
Of course, I really appreciate your work, it's excellent.
Chris, I really appreciate your tutorials and enjoy reading each and everyone (via Feedly instead of the website). I'm a developer and love the idea that I _could_ use your tutorials to develop graphics if I ever try making a game again. Unfortunately I don't have any useful comments to am among the group of silent readers; if there's something we can do to show we're reading let us know :)
I have to say I love your work too (even though I'm also one of those silent readers). I've found it in me to buy some of your previous tutorial artwork too, and love what you've done. I'm not a professional game programmer though, so I don't spend a lot of time trying to make game art.
But recently I tried fiddling with a game engine called BYOND the other day, and tried making an animation using an image from one of your previous tutorials. It actually came out pretty decently I thought (something I rarely get to say when it comes to me and art).
Anyway, I also tried mentioning your blog in the BYOND forums https://www.byond.com/forum/?post=1809587. I'm sure someone will find it really as helpful as I have. Keep up the good work :)
Thanks a lot for your great tutorials! I really love your personal style of doing and explaining things! It is always a great pleasure reading and following them and it is very interesting how things can be done!
Please keep going!
I as allot of the other don't comment on post if I don't need some information. I'm a coder and without your blog I wouldn't be able to make the drawings I'm doing today. Your tutorials are great and if ppl have read your post before this should be a breeze to follow.
At the moment I'm waiting for the animation part because there have been some lack in that area so far. Something I'm happy to see is how to make drawings that can fit together so you can animate it with a program like Blender, Spine or if there are some other good 2d animation program.
And lastly, I'm just chocked with all the post in so short time span, first nothing for a while and now this tempo. I do like when there are coming new post but I wasn't expecting so many in so short time. Keep up the good work and as many other say, we are here in the silence and love your work you doing and giving to us.
I've been following along with much interest and much appreciation. I usually leave NoScript on, which prevents leaving comments. I'm hopping in to leave you a comment in the hopes that it reassures you there are people 'out there' who are reading and finding this guide very useful. :)
Anonymous: take a screen shot of the screen (for windows PCs, PrntScr). Then paste in Inkscape and shrink it. Now you can use the color selector to get the colors!
Just in case you don't know what I mean — to use the color selector, look at the Fill part of the Fill and Stroke window that opens when you press Ctrl + Shift + F. Select an object, click to make it a solid fill, then look for the little icons right above the Blur and Opacity. The third icon should look like a little eyedropper. Click that, then click on the part of the screen shot you want to copy the color from.
May I also suggest that you should use HSL rather than RBG? It's easier to understand. Adjusting saturation and lightness is much easier, when trying to create highlights or subtle color variations. :)
Please continue your tutorials, people are following but not replying :) I am currently getting started in Unity and but where my programming skills are far more advanced than my graphical skills I will happily convert any tutorials you make with game engines over to Unity!
Thanks for all your previous tutorials!
If it wasn't for this blog then I'd never have played with Inkscape. The tutorials here are absolutely superb – the balance is just right – not too much detail, but enough to explain everything just right. That in itself is quite an art!
Many thanks Chris!
I first started reading this blog a couple of years ago and as such I've linked to it from my blog a couple of times.
Daniel, with regards to using Inkscape with Spine then you might like to take a look at a couple of blog posts I did below (again which I'd never have done if I hadn't heard/learnt Inkscape from Chris' blog). Inkscape is actually an ideal tool for using with Spine – Put each of the core shapes in layers and then highlight the shapes on each layer and export the selection and you have the parts that can be moved around in spine to make your animations.
The blog posts are slightly out of date now as I also used texture packer, but spine does come with its own texture packer now.
Chris – I subscribe to the RSS feed so I've been receiving your emails and reading them each day. I dare say there are probably more people like me who do this and therefore don't always come to the blog – as such the stats for your blog are most likely lower than the truth! :)
As I commented above, the style of your blog posts are excellent – it is a difficult skill to produce a blog post which contains all of the necessary information without being too wordy and losing the reader's interest. However you have mastered this skill!
Hi i am really sorry because i was just reading without a feedback , i really appreciate your works it's really great ,and remember if you want anything in game maker studio engine :D just call me , i am Game maker studio developer IOS&Android , :D
Thanks GT, great advice !!.
Yup, we're still out here. I personally have it in my RSS feeds, which I check every 1-2 weeks and then catch up on all at once.
Hey Chris, as a programmer who "can't draw for toffee" I really look forward to your tutorials and the ability to use vector programs means that even drawing noob's like me can copy and tweak.
Also as a Mac user – I found the setup process for Inkscape to be a pain (although I loved it on when I used a Windows machine), do you intend to support any other "entry level" (price wise) vector apps. For instance I'm a big iPad user and I was wondering if you'd checked out iDraw and how easy would it be to follow along using that.
Lastly – I didn't realise you were looking for coding partners to make your graphics come alive, I've got quite a lot of experience with Corona (and also Codea on the iPad) and I'd be happy to run with some of these examples, I had a neat idea for a vertically scrolling "drop down" game that would work quite well with your latest steampunk set that I originally had as a Corona demo but I also wanted to port to Codea.
Drop me a line at techdojo at gmail dot com if you fancy discussing any of these ideas further or want to add me to your potential partner list.
Hi Chris, I'm a young programmer currently studying at the university and I'm really bad at everything that includes art, but I hope to become one day a game developer.
Your tutorials are exactly what I needed (and still need) to get some knowledge about making simple but yet beautiful art. I enjoy reading each of your post and I thank you a lot for sharing your knowledge so eagerly ! I have discovered your "blog" 5 months ago and now I check nearly every week hoping to see a new tutorial of you !
Keep up the good work ! We are a lot in the darkness who love your work :)
Don't stop.
We're too busy learning to comment ;)
Great reply! It made me smile… :)
Thanks for all the great and motivating feedback… You make it worth the time and effort to write these (besides all the fun I am having in the process). THANKS HEAPS!
What do you mean by "I am still looking for a Unity, Corona and Flash coder to cover more of the popular engines"??
Btw I adore your tutorials, keep up the great work.
Hello Chris, I'm a (noob) french construct 2 user, I work on some little 2D games and your blog is for me a treasure, very lot of thanks. For me the choice is : "Either my tutorials are getting better and people can follow without any problems and questions " ;-) but I just discover your blog, this week. Please continue your work and we wait the "more complexe animation tutorial" ! I very like your part on ennemy, zombie top down, if you can make more tutorials on background, ennemies, items, etc… in fantasy/dark/rpg univers I will be very happy :) (sorry for my english). Thank you. bye.
This comment has been removed by the author.
Chris – you know a Unity guy :) Let me know what I can do to help!
Hi I'm one of the new coders around de blog, I'm from Nicaragua and maybe my English is not good, but I'll try to leave replies when it get to difficult for me, and also if I can help you with Unity let me know it.
And thanks for such a great blog.
I like your tutorials please keep making them.
Love your tutorials. 90% of my vector / inkscape knowledge did I get from your amazing site. Created my own game art for my first mobile game ScubaOwl after going trough these tutorials. Take a look, guess you recognize lots of them. You can see a video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6-xIi_6h_gA
Developed in Xcode / SpriteKit
Thanks for these great tutorials!
I like your blog and i come from HK
Hi Chris, I've learned a lot form your blog. Keep up the good work please. Also let me know if you are still looking for Unity guy. It would be a pleasure to work with you.
This article is awesome. Very well described about Unity Game Development & worth a read. Keep sharing.