New – Mini Video Tutorials on the Youtube Channel
I have been looking into the dark corners of my hard drives and found a whole bunch of videos. Initially, I recorded them as replies to questions on social media. They are usually very short and very specific but I think they are also helpful. So, I decided to rework and upload some of them as mini videos. These compact tutorials will be featuring common and less common problems in Affinity Designer and Inkscape. I hope you like them…

Let’s start with some multi-coloured letters in Affinity Designer. I am using the pen tool and plain strokes to create the base shape. Afterward, I just alter the line with the Node tool. Duplicates in different colours and with the layer blend mode set to ‘Multiply’ make a nice-looking text.

Design a pattern and create variations quickly and easily with symbols. Symbols in Affinity Designer can hold more than just one design. Add variations straight into the symbol and change the pattern with just two clicks.

Add custom borders to your photo with Affinity Designer and a PNG image as a mask. In this video, I show three ways to create masks for a photo or design based on a PNG image. See how to use ‘clipping masks’, ‘mask to below’, and ‘rasterize to mask’ for quick and easy photo frames.

…more mini videos coming to youtube soon…
There will be a few more mini-tutorials for both Inkscape and Affinity Designer coming soon. I have recorded most of them as replies to social media posts and they need a bit of work. I will try and find the time to clean, edit and narrate them.
Enjoy these short videos! I hope they are helpful.