A Library of House Assets
Inkscape video tutorial
Another quick tutorial on the advantages of reusing vector art for your game assets. A library of house assets is the result. I played around with some simple shapes that would allow me to build a multitude of houses for the background of a game. Rather than create each house from scratch, I created a small library of elements that I could quickly drag onto the scene. That way, I can easily build the houses by placing, scaling, rotating and colouring those assets.

The video turned out to be a little bit longer than I would have liked – but I hope you like it nevertheless and won’t get bored halfway through. I recorded this after a short night and no morning coffee yet – hence a few problems with the controls, my graphic tablet, the recording software and finding my way through inkscape.
The main tools I used while building those houses were the ‘select and transform’, the align tools, groups and for the creation of the elements I used a lot clips.
Should you feel like creating more assets for this pack, some of the earlier tutorials might be helpful:
The clip tool:
Building wooden beams:
Creating a brick building:
If you you like the assets, let me know and I will build some more. I already have a modern set and a medieval castle on my todo list.
Here’s the download link for the current set:

Wow Chris, great, very helpfull and good result, thank you !
Great! This is also the method I used when creating an isometric webgame. I created a library of small details and items, then I created the big shape of each building and copy/pasted elements from the library. I knew that this was the right way to do things!
Thank you!
Thank you for this tutorial! I didn't know about this method and your post opened my eyes :) I like your assets very much and I'll be thankful to you for additional packs. In most cases I analyze them and learn techniques. Could you please create in future some tutorials about creating texture tiles for top-view games? All my tries to create them failed in the beginning.
Awesome tutorial! I did something like that but much more simplified to create a city background, to make many different buildings. It's great to see a tutorial on this. :D
Great tutorial Chris:) Your work always inspires me.
Thank you once again for a very useful tutorial.
what a nice tutorial, thank you very much :)
this comes really handy for my next game!
This is great tutorial. Would You mind of creating something similar for vehicles (cars, bikes and motorbikes, etc.)?
Thank you very much for the assets :-)