Polishing older tutorial assets in Inkscape
Assets revisited
While playing with Inkscape, I decided to take some older tutorial assets and try polishing them. The newest version of Inkscape has a lot to offer and runs more stable when dealing with the things I enjoy. Blurs, blend modes, and layers run fine now. I had a look at the files of this site [in access of 1000 images] and there is no shortage of assets that could use some love.
One of the oldest tutorials is the creation of a dinosaur. It was a basic Inkscape tutorial for an external site back in the days. Dino briefly featured on the screens for the character animation tutorial. I did mean to rework the tutorial to match this site for a while. So, today was a ‘sit back and have some fun’ day.

I took the original parts and adding some shading shapes, blurs, and more detail to them. There are a lot of clips to keep the blurs in check. I also added a little bit of texture with some random, semi-transparent circles.

Would there be interest in tutorials on this? I could go through some of the older assets and bring them in line with the current abilities of Inkscape. Explaining the process of shading, adding detail, and reworking the art. Maybe I could add some basic animation tutorials in Spine or Spriter as well.

It’s up to you!
Please let me know in the comments below if there is interest and what you would like to see revisited. Thanks!
Yes! Definitely, yes!
Having fun with squares, Character Design, and Game Title Screen would be nice to see revisited.
This is great! I’d love to see some detailed tutorials like this on how to take the assets to the next level.
Thanks… I would love to do the character design. :)
The new assests are amazing. Every tutorial that you update would be great.
Yes please do the videos…
Yes for videos… clips for shadows, how to use layers, how to make various line sizes like those in cartoons…
Thanks.. with over 80 tutorials so far, I am sure to find some interesting ones.
Little bit late, but I also would love to see tutorials for this. Or anything else Inkscape related, I love your stuff. :)
Hi Amazing , is there any course to make this polish style you did to the Dino? , I would like to know how to do it in inkscape , thanks for the website , its great !
I am working on a step-by-step at the moment… :)
Thank you , I and more people are waiting for this , I want to be able to do something like this https://www.123rf.com/photo_49826483_stock-vector-3d-realistic-professional-business-man-vector-character-happy-in-attractive-corporate-attire-isolate.html
I would like to see a tutorial on how to make clouds circle around a 2D object as if it was 3D. I’m making a video game company logo revolving around my mastery of dreams before I make anything!
My initial thought on the problem would be a seamless – long – band of clouds, used as a texture on a 3D cylinder, rotate it around the 3D object, and you have your effect.
You mean 2D object, right?
No. I was thinking 3D cylinder that can rotate in 3D space around the logo with the clouds as a texture.
What would help me is if I could download the updated asset that you’ve created here. To see how you do highlight and shadow bits. Which filters to use and how to do some of the gradients.
Any chance this will be published? It looked promising.
Funny you mention it… I had it done and finished a few weeks ago but decided to do the circle tutorial first – and forgot all about it [due to a trip down south, health issues, and just the usual real-life issues]. I will have a look at it today and publish it.
Wow that was fast :D
Thanks a lot!
No problem… It was done and just waiting to be put into the blog… I will clean up the file and upload it later today.
Here’s the file: https://opengameart.org/sites/default/files/dino_shading_tutorial.zip