Designing the Key Poses
Inkscape Video Tutorial
Why do we need them? Designing the key poses will allow checking the character and making sure it works. Can’t I just animate the character. Yes, you can. A game character usually comes with a whole set of animations. There is the idle, the walk, the run, the dying sequence, a jump, a shoot, a getting hit, etc. All these parts depend on the same graphic elements. Therefor, it’s helpful to create some key poses before going into the animations. They give you an idea what the character will look like in the main moments of the animation. Are the legs long and dynamic enough to make his jump look fun or his run fast? Is there enough length in the arms to swing a sword or shoot a bow? All these issues can be checked and fixed beforehand.
Let’s get back to out little game project. The important parts will be the run, jump, shot, get hit and die poses.
Here we go. You asked for it. Even if it took some time to convince an old dog to learn new tricks, here is my 1st video tutorial. I guess it’s really just about being used to my step-by-step tutorials. Setting those up has become a routine. The video on the other hand came with a lot of challenges. It’s very rewarding to overcome the issues, work out some [not all] of the problems, and finally see the finished video out there. I know there is a lot of room for improvement, so bear with me. I hope to get there (eventually).
Let’s start setting those up

Finally, I had fun doing this. It does take a little bit of getting used to. I should probably script my tutorials before I record them. Basically, lacking the time and trying to keep it simple, prevented me from doing it. I might have to look into it again in the future. This won’t be the last video tutorial for sure.

Video tutorial are a good idea! I hope it will be some on creating animation frames.
Yes!! Love the video. Hope you do more. Would love to see your workflow for the creating the animation frames. Awesome!
It's incredible, just a few movements and you get the animation. Great video!
Very useful… Thanks Chris!!
Hey Chris, thanks a lot for making this video. It really helped me to watch how you use Inkscape – I picked up a few tips I wasn't aware of, such as the use of pivot points with grouping which is easier to pick up in a video. Length was great, and content very easy to follow and helpful.
Your tutorials are good for characters that are relatively simple in terms of joints and limbs. I'm looking for a tutorial for characters that are more complex like anime-type characters, even if they look like chibi characters. I can't find it anywhere, and hope you could help with this because I'm really lost as to how to design the bits and pieces so they fit together without looking too artificial.
I mean, especially if the character has to turn or make a round-kick or this sort of stuff…